1. In order to determine the additional details such as boundaries of fields houses and other properties, path ways are determined, the surveying preferred is :
Cadastral Survey.
2. 9 Km represented by 1.8 cm, what is the scale?
3. The ration of the shrunk length to the true length is known as :
Shrinkage factor.
4. Compensating error which is proportional to:
5. The correction due to normal tension is:
6. The points selected on the main survey line where it is necessary to run auxiliary lines locate the interior details when they are distant from the main lines:
Subsidiary stations.
7. 1 furlong = …………..yard.
220 yard.
8. The offsets are called short when they are less than:
9. The horizon mirror and index mirrors in an optical square placed at an angle of:
45o to each other.
10. Which type needle is used in the prismatic compass?
Broad form type.
11. In the case of prismatic compass, the angular error of closure or summation error should not exceed:
12. Find the value of the declination if the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 184o :
4o E.
13. The method used for establishing instrument station only is:
14. The intersection method is commonly employed for locating points where:
The distant and inaccessible points.
15. If a wooded are obstruct the chain line then it is crossed by the:
Random line.
16. If the temperature is increased the sensitivity will be:
17. The correction of curvature is always:
18. Contour lines cross ridge lines are at:
19. The operation of leveling to determining the elevation of points some distance apart or to establish bench marks is called:
Differential leveling.
20. The difference between the volume calculated by the Trapezoidal formula and that computed by the Prismoidal formula is called:
Prismoidal correction.
21. The process of grinding clay with water and making it plastic is known as :
22. The lime which is composed of about 95% of calcium oxide is:
Fat lime.
23. The compressive strength of perforated brick should not be less than:
24. The finer the material bulking of the sand will be:
25. The specific surface area of a Portland cement shall not be less than:
2250 cm2/g.
26. The compressive strength of cement at the end of 7 days should not be less than:
115 Kg/cm2
27. The normal consistency of Portland Cement is about:
28. The thin layer of sap between sapwood and inner bark is known as :
Cambium layer.
29. The defect is formed due to improper sawing of timber is:
Diagonal grain.
30. The nominal mix correspond to M25 grade is:
31. Which obtained by cutting a triangular portion of the brick such that half a header and half a stretcher on the adjoining cut faces is:
King closer.
32. The arrangement of brick is similar to English bond is:
Dutch bond.
33. According to Rankine’s formula the minimum depth of foundation should be:
34. The lower half portion of the arch between the crown and skewback is :
35. The inclined member of a stair which supports the end of steps is known as :
36. The vertical member which is employed to subdivide a window or door opening vertically is called:
37. The edge of a gable running between the eaves and ridge is known as :
38. The upper end of the queen posts are kept in position by means of a horizontal member known as :
Straining beam.
39. The method of dimensioning where a number of dimension of the same direction have a common datum feature is:
Parallel dimensioning.
40. For DPC at pinch level the commonly adopted material is :
Cement concrete.
41. The process of turning the telescope over its supporting axis through 180o in vertical plane is known as :
(a)Plunging (b) Reversing (c) Transiting (d) Any of the above.
Ans: Any of the above.
42. The horizontal axis is also called:
Transverse axis.
43. The line passing through the centres of curvature of the faces of lens is known as :
Principle axis.
44. ………. Angles are also called azimuths from back lines.
Direct Angle.
45. To run a straight line between two points which are neither intervisible nor visible from any intermediate point is termed as:
Random line.
46. In a theodolite survey of the closed transverse run by included angles the angular error of closure should not exceed:
47. Algebraic sum of deflection angles should be equal to:
48. In traversing the direction of magnetic meridian is established at each traverse stations independently the method is known as :
Free needle method.
49. The distance measured parallel to the lines perpendicular to the meridian is called:
50. The coordinate of any point with respect to a common origin are known as …….. of the points.
Independent coordinates.
51. The permissible linear error of closure in theodolite survey may be expressed by the formula:
52. The basis of Bowditche’s method is on the assumption that the error in linear measurements are proportional to ……… and that the errors in angular measurements are inversely proportional to…………
53. The perpendicular distance of the midpoint of the line from the reference meridian is known as:
Meridian distance.
54. The permanent adjustment of a transit are:
(A) adjustment of plate levels. (B) Adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame.
(C) Adjustment of the horizontal axis. (D) All of the above.
Ans: All of the above.
55. The telescope used for stadia surveying are:
(A) The simple external focusing telescope. (B) The external focusing analectic telescope
(C) The internal focusing telescope (D) All of the above.
Ans: All of the above.
56. The value of multiplying constant of the tachometer should be:
57. The anallactic lens is :
Convex lens.
58. In theodolite, the …….. is used to measure a horizontal angle to a finer degree of accuracy than that obtainable with the least count of the vernier.
Method of repetition.
59. Accurate centering of the theodolite can be done easily by:
Shifting head.
60. ………… is used to test the horizontality of the transit axis or trunnion axis.
Striding level.
61. The trap is provided to prevent entry of sewer gases from public sewer line into a house drains is called:
Intercepting trap.
62. The pipe which carries discharge from sanitary fittings such as bath rooms, kitchen, sink …etc is known as :
Waste pipe.
63. The valves installed on the delivery side of the pumping set so as to prevent the back flow of stored or pumped water when the pump is stopped is called:
Reflux valve.
64. The sanitation system in which a small portion of storm water is allowed to enter in the sanitary sewage sewers and the remaining storm water flows in separate set of sewers is known as:
Partially separate system.
65. A chemical technique which is directed towards the de-stabilization of the charged colloidal particles is termed as:
66. The most commonly used coagulant is :
67. The sewer should be laid at such a gradient that a minimum velocity which will prevent the silting of particles in sewers is developed over a wide variations in discharge of a sewage such as minimum velocity is known as :
Self cleaning velocity.
68. The theoretical time taken by a particle of water to pass between entry and exit of a settling tank is known as :
Detention period.
69. The process of passing the water through beds of fine granular materials like sand is known as :
70. The septic tank unit is generally classified under the units which work on the principle of:
Anaerobic decomposition.
71. The system of plumbing having single pipe system without providing any separate ventilation pipe:
Single stack.
72. The efficiency and effectiveness of a trap will depend upon:
The depth of the water seal.
73. Nahni trap is popularly known as :
Floor trap.
74. Water seals of traps in multistoried building or houses may be protected by means of:
Antisiphonage pipe.
75. The primary treatment of waste water is also called:
Physical treatment.
76. The term…….. is used to indicate the leakage of sewage from the sewer into the ground surrounding the sewer:
77. …….. drains will carry the fluctuating discharge without depositing solids at any point because of the fact that during fair weather, the less volume of sullage will occupy only the bottom portion of the drain and even these drain will be capable of producing a good velocity.
V-shaped surface drain.
78. A neural water has pH value as:
79. A circular covered tank through which the effluent is allowed to be soaked or absorbed into the surrounding soil is known as :
Soak pit.
80. The pressure filters can be installed for:
Small water supply project.
81. The control points governing the alignment of highways are called:
Obligatory points.
82. The area of a land acquired for the road along its alignment.
Right of way.
83. The minimum sight distance available on a high way at any spot should be of sufficient length to stop a vehicle travelling at design speed, safely without collision with any other obstruction is:
Stopping sight distance.
84. Transition curve cannot be a :
Compound curve.
85. The construction of a gravel road over the subgrade with varying thickness, so as to obtain the desired cross-slope for the pavement surface is called:
Feather edge type.
86. What is the plasticity index value of the binding material used in WBM surface course construction?
4 to 9 %.
87. The maximum gradient within which the designer attempts to design the vertical profile of a road is:
Ruling gradient.
88. The process by which extra branches of trees are removed which otherwise interfere with traffic or other trees in the vicinity is called:
89. The slope provided to the road surfaces in the transverse direction to drain off the rain water from road surface is called:
90. The boundary between the pavement and shoulder is:
91. The water required for irrigation is supplied in accordance with the crop requirements throughout the crop period is called:
Perennial irrigation.
92. A crop requires a total depth of 92cm of water for a base period of 120 days. What is the duty of water?
1127 hectares/cumec.
93. The process of water being lost from the leaves of the plants from their pores is called:
94. The rise of water level on the upstream of structure after the construction of the weir or the barriage:
95. The dam which is constructed to store water during floods and release it gradually at safe rate when the floods recedes is called:
Detention dam.
96. The outlet in which the discharge is affected by the fluctuations in the water level of the distributing channel while the fluctuations in the water level of the field channel do not have any effect on its discharge is called:
Semi module outlet.
97. The raised portion on the canal side of the service road for the safety of the vehicles running on it is known as :
98. The dam consists of a number of a piers dividing the space to be dammed into a number of spans is called:
Buttress dam.
99. A graph showing variations of a discharge with time at a particular point of a stream is known as :
100. The most common type of non automatic rain gauge is known as :
Symon’s rain gauage.