High Court of Kerala
Written Examination for selection of Assistant Grade-II-2001
Time: Two and Half hours Maximum: 100 Marks.
(Answers shall be in English only)
I. Write short essays on any 3 of the following: - (45 Marks)
1. What is Globalization? What are its implications on Indian Economy? Critically evaluate the same with reference to the last Union Budget of India.
2. Examine the issue of sexual harassment at work place as a phenomena faced by the modern working women. What are the safeguards suggested by the Supreme Court of India, for alleviating the same.
3. What is the role played by the judiciary in India, in the field of environmental protection?
4. Discuss the role of Internet on the modern life.
5. Panchayat Raj – Critically examine the transfer of power and implementation of that policy.
II. Write short notes on any five of the following subjects: - (25 Marks)
1. Investigative Journalism.
2. Privatization.
3. Information Technology Industry.
4. Gender justice
5. Koodiyattom
6. Arundathi Roy – the writer.
7. Mulla Periyar Dam.
8. International Terrorism.
III. Write the full forms of the following abbreviations: (5 Marks)
1. N.C.E.R.T
2. H.I.V
5. M.A.C.T
IV. Distinguish between any three of the following: (6 Marks)
1. ‘Interpol’ and ‘Interpolation’
2. ‘Nationalism’ and ‘Nationalization’
3. ‘Quash’ and ‘Squash’
4. ‘Plaint’ and ‘Complaint’
5. ‘Peal’ and ‘Repeal’
V. Choose the correct answer. (4 Marks)
1. The Article in the Constitution of India under which the writ jurisdiction is conferred on the High Courts.
a) 226 b) 12 c) 32
2. What is currency of European Union?
a) Pound sterling b) Dollar c) Euro d) Shilling
3. Capital of Uttaranchal
a) Dehradum b)Raipur c)Ranchi d) Allahabad
VI. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: (5 Marks)
1. The village was destroyed …………….fire.
2. I have not seen him ……….. Wednesday last
3. You, boys, must settle it……….yourselves
4. I purposely refrained……………….saying more.
5. Temperance and employment are conducive ………….health.
VII. Fill in the appropriate articles: (5 Marks)
1. Sardar Patel was ………great statesman.
2. Andamans are ………….group of islands.
3.…………..wisdom of Soloman is famous.
4. Victoria was ……………. English Queen.
5.…………….French defeated the Germans.
VIII. Add question tags to the following sentences: (5 Marks)
1. It’s very hot today, ……………….?
2. You have milk for breakfast, …………………… ?
3. India hasn’t won the match, ……………….?
4. We are going together, …………………?
5. You can speak Spanish, ………………?

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