Monday, 19 May 2008


Here is a list of Science Questions , most of them were asked for many PSC Exams and other competitive exams.

1.The lense which is used in Photography is.......
              Convex Lense
2.The Gas used for artificial ripening of green fruits?
3.Which is the rarest element?
4.Magnetic field is measured by..........
              Flux Meter
5.The working of a Rocket is based on the principle of ?
              Newton's Law
6.The minimum volume of water is at a temperature of ......... Degree Celsius
7.Light emitted by sun reaches earth in about
              8 minutes
8.Electricity was invented by
              Michael Faraday
9.The human heart beat per minute at an average is
10.Time difference between IST and GMT is
11.Which country built the first nuclear power station?
12.Plaster of Paris is made from
13.Meningitis is a disease which affects the
14.The year in which Pluto was discovered ?
15.White Coal is
16.Purest crystalline form of Carbon
17.Valcanisation was conducted by
              Good Year
18.What is the melting point of Diamond?
              4000 Degree Celsius
19.Which of the following is not a natural polymer ?
20.During Sleep
              Blood Pressure is reduced
21.Filteration of wastes from the blood in human body is done by
22.An astronant in an earth satellite will observe the sky as
23.The virus of AIDS affects the growth of
              T cells in Blood
24.Which of the following is a semi conductor ?

25.A hole is made in a brass plate and it is heated , the size of the hole will
              First increases and then decrease

26.Sugar can be tested in a Diabetic patient by
              Benedict's test
27.The sex of a child before birth can be determined by
28.Plants growing in dark areas are called
29.The resting time of heart during the interval of each compression is called
30.'Utopia Planitia' is a place in which planet/satellite
31.The organism which have nervous system but do not have brain
32.Antitoxins is used against Diptheria obtained from
33.The satellite which discovered the Ozon layer
34.Osteomalaria is caused due to the deficiency of which Vitamin ?
              Vitamin D
35.The sea breeze and land breeze are caused by difference in
              Heating of land and sea
36.The Red blood cells (RBC) is also called as
37.Quinine is an alkaloid that cures which disease ?
38.Boiling point of water in the Farenheat scale is
              212 Degree
39.The most essential component of a refrigerator is
40.The planet which is often called the earth twin is
41.What does C.N.G. stands for
              Compressed Natural Gas
42."Which sphere is known as ""Chemosphere"" ?"
43.Magnesite is
              Magnesium Carbonate
44.Which of the follwing is known as Ramanujan Numeral
45.Normal Blood Pressure of man is
              80/120 mm HG
46.The deficiency of Iron in man may result in
47.The largest gland in Human body is
48.Fossils are usually found in
              Sedimenary Rock
49.Acetyl Salicilic Acid is commonly known as
50.Which is known as white coal
              Hydro Electricty